Mary Sheedy Kurcinka Ed.D and Lynn Jessen MA

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Category: Meltdowns


What To Do If Your Child Quits When The Going Gets Tough

Does your child....

  • Give up quickly when faced with a difficult task.
  • Lash out if something does not go as they hoped or planned.
  • Avoid tough tasks.
  • Refuse to complete tasks, often insisting that they are boring.
  • Become angry when asked to wait or to take turns.
  • Quit when they can’t do something perfectly on the first attempt.

Rather than a behavior problem, lack of motivation or an anger issue, your child may simply be experiencing low frustration tolerance.



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Overworked mother

REBOUND After the Holidays

Late bedtimes, disrupted routines, unsolicited advice, too much sugar and CLUTTER from all the gifts bringing you down?  Here are seven steps to help you REBOUND from the post-holiday blues. 

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Growth Spurts: A fuel source for Tantrums

Mornings have been going well. Drop-off at school, not a problem. Even pick-up from school AND bedtime have been relatively peaceful until everything blows up. It’s as though a force has taken over your child. NOTHING is right. 

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Keeping the Keeping the

Picking up the Cues: BEFORE the Meltdown

Two thirds of our “sensing cells” are in our gut – that’s why when your child wakes in the morning and you know before he’s even gotten out of bed that it’s a going to be a lousy day you get that “kick in the gut” sensation.  

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4 Strategies to Help You Reduce Stress and Frustration

The demands of being a parent can feel relentless. Frequent meltdowns wear you down, and leave you feeling powerless to stop them, but you are not. Today, Lynn and I offer you four effective strategies to lower stress by preventing some of the meltdowns from occurring in the first place.

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The Party's Over - Now what?

My spirited son has just turned eight.  We had a party, a small gathering of friends which works well for him.  He had a great day. Today his behavior is horrid.  He is very easily frustrated, yelling and rude.  

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The Dreaded Public Meltdown: What do I do now?

Tantruming in Public

I just needed a few things and didn’t want to have to take all the kids to the store after school, so I fed my youngest lunch then hopped in the car.  We didn’t even get through the door before she threw herself down on the ground screaming because I tried to put her in the cart.  I almost died of embarrassment.  

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