
Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Is Your Baby High Needs, Fussy or Spirited?

Search the internet for “signs” of a high needs/fussy baby you’ll discover a list of descriptors like, difficult, shrieks, hyperactive, demanding, exhausting, unsatisfied, not a self-soother, and awakens frequently. While there may be an element of truth in these terms, rather than helpful, they can leave you feeling more alone and discouraged than ever.

That’s why I coined the term spirited baby and developed the Spirited Baby Method described in my book Raising Your Spirited Baby. Fifteen years in development the Spirited Baby Method pulls our focus to the strengths of these alert, perceptive infants and addresses their inborn temperament and highly sensitive arousal system. Research documents that given the care they need these babies not only develop normally and happily but often excel.  

Look Inside...

Raising Your Spirited Baby Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Click the image above to review the table of contents for Raising Your Spirited Baby.

Raising Your Spirited Baby Chapter 1

Book Excerpt

To give you an introduction into Raising Your Spirited Baby, we've included Chapter 1.

Raising Your Spirited Baby - Advanced Praise

Advanced Praise

Take a look at the positive comments we've received from pediatricians and other authors.


News and Information


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Raising your Spirited BabyA breakthrough guide to thriving when your baby is alert, intense and struggles to sleep.

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Raising your Spirited Child "Raising Your Spirited Child” has now been fully revised with even more helpful insights, stories, heartfelt support and tools to empower you.

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Parenting Tips!

Every week we post parenting tips on either our Facebook page or our blog. Check out the latest tips on children's sleep, tantrums, power struggles, discipline, child development, temperament, spirited children and keeping your cool when your child is losing theirs. We're always open for more suggestions, so feel free to send them our way using our Contact page.

Weekly Parenting Tips!

Get Dr. Mary’s and Lynn’s free, weekly, parenting tips in your email. 


Parent Support Group

In addition, Facebook has a group page started by and for the parents of "Spirited Children".  The group is a closed group (but still accepting new members) where parents look for advice and support from other parents.  Feel free to check it out using the link below.


Consultations & Classes
Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka Private Behavioral and Sleep Consultations

Private Baby and Child Behavior and Sleep Consultations

Dr. Mary has helped hundreds of families just like yours.  She provides private consultations on both infant and child behavior and sleep issues.  A one-hour personal session, via phone or Zoom, gives your family an opportunity to discuss the specific issues you are facing.  You will work directly with Dr. Mary to develop a targeted plan that works for your family. Within 24 hours you will receive a written summary of your discussion and your plan.  If you have ever been told or considered your baby to be "fussy" or "high need", Dr. Mary can help you.

"In just one hour on the phone, we were able to gain an entirely new perspective on the issues we were having. You gave us real tools and ideas that we could apply immediately."  -Jason

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Mary Sheedy Kurcinka - Parent Child Help

Classes, Webinars and Workshops

For over 35 years Dr. Mary has provided parenting workshops and keynotes throughout the world.  She has a large number of offerings and customizes or creates each session so that it meets the specifics needs of her audience.   Dr. Mary’s speaking style brings audiences to life as they laugh and learn the essentials for effective parenting.

“Mary, I am so appreciative of how you customized your information and remarks to our audience.  You brought important information to the group with humor and poise.  The audience was mesmerized and we got excellent feedback.”  -Merri

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Blog Highlights
Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka & Lynn Jesson from Paidea Child Development Center

Parenting Questions for
Dr. Mary & Lynn

Why You Should Respond FAST to Your Spirited baby

Search the internet and you’ll repeatedly find the advice; Babies must learn to self soothe. To teach self-soothing skills the advisers insist you must WAIT before responding to your infant’s cries. You on the other hand know from experience that if you wait to respond to your spirited baby, she becomes so upset she remains awake for the next hour or more! Your instinct is to respond quickly. Let me explain why your instinct is right on! 

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What To Do If Your Child Quits When The Going Gets Tough

Does your child....

  • Give up quickly when faced with a difficult task.
  • Lash out if something does not go as they hoped or planned.
  • Avoid tough tasks.
  • Refuse to complete tasks, often insisting that they are boring.
  • Become angry when asked to wait or to take turns.
  • Quit when they can’t do something perfectly on the first attempt.

Rather than a behavior problem, lack of motivation or an anger issue, your child may simply be experiencing low frustration tolerance.



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