Mary Sheedy Kurcinka Ed.D and Lynn Jessen MA
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Category: Emotion Coaching
Picking up the Cues: BEFORE the Meltdown
Two thirds of our “sensing cells” are in our gut – that’s why when your child wakes in the morning and you know before he’s even gotten out of bed that it’s a going to be a lousy day you get that “kick in the gut” sensation.
More infoNo More Begging to Get Your Child to Do What you Ask
Remember the old days when getting out the door merely required putting on your coat and walking out? Or, when someone said, why don’t we go? You just went?
More infoWhen your child yells at you: Expecting and Coaching respectful behavior
Perhaps it was the foot stomp punctuating the shrill rebuttal to your simple question that caught your attention today. Lately, it seems “normal” for your child to scream every time you ask her to do anything. How did this happen?
More infoHalloween; Spooky or Simply "Spirited"
Tips for Halloween, Ghosts, Goblins and Emotion Coaching: Building the Relationship that Keeps Your Child Working with You
More infoFive Steps to Weaning Your Child from Their Pacifier Without Tears
Spirited children often favor their pacifier longer than their low-key peers.
More infoWhat to Do When Your Child Whines
Why is this child, who is perfectly capable of forming words, suddenly resorting to torturing moans and groans?
More infoTaking the Fight out of Getting Out
A peaceful start to the day is priceless. If tears are shed trying to get dressed, shoes on, and into the car the entire rest of the day can feel lousy. You can take steps now to insure that as school begins, morning wars don’t.
More infoStopping Aggressive Behavior - Begins with a Question
Oscar was howling when I entered the room. His younger brother Evan shot a glance at me, then lowered his eyes, turned his head and body from me, all while maintaining a death grip on the iPad in his arms.
More infoWhen Your Child Just Gets Angrier If You Try to Talk about Emotions
Ever wonder why when one child is upset, if you offer a hug, she melts into your arms but another pushes you away?
More infoLearn To Be An Emotion Coach
Your child dumps his cereal bowl on the floor. The four year old knocks down the two year old. You tell your child he can’t buy something and now he’s screaming at the top of his lungs in the middle of the store.
More infoCollaborating: Finding win/win solutions
Eight-year-old Jason and seven-year-old Matt were fighting over Pokeman cards. “You stole my card!” Jason accused Matt. “I did not! Your brother traded it to me.”
More infoChoose to Connect and De-escalate the Situation
You’ve picked up the cues by noticing that voices have gotten louder. Or, that there’s a slight whining tone to your child’s voice, or he’s starting to forget the rules. Now what?
More infoEmotion Coaching: The Secret to Effective Discipline
- You are not helpless.
- You really do make a difference.
- Your response to your child can either escalate or deescalate the situation.
The Secret to Effective Discipline: Emotion coaching
The dreaded proclamations erupt in the kitchen. Yet on this day, when your friend hears them, she calmly walks over to her four-year-old twins, bends down, places one hand on the iPad and the other on one’s shoulder as she replies. “Jacob, you had the iPad and then you decided to play with your Legos.
More infoFire and Fuel Behavior and Cause
When we start thinking about children’s behavior the actions that we see are what we call the “fire.” Behind every “fire” or behavior there is a fuel source or a reason. In order to extinguish the “fire” behavior we have to be certain we are addressing the right fuel source, specifically what the child is feeling or needing.
More infoEmotional Coaching
Our family recently visited an arcade. The first time our son tried one of the games he won so of course he then expected to win every time.
More infoThe Party's Over - Now what?
My spirited son has just turned eight. We had a party, a small gathering of friends which works well for him. He had a great day. Today his behavior is horrid. He is very easily frustrated, yelling and rude.
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