I am Dr. Mary, licensed parent educator, behavior and sleep consultant, author and fellow parent of spirited children now grown up. I coined the term “spirited child.” When my son was born the only information, I could find that described a child like him used words such as difficult, strong-willed, stubborn, or mother killer. Yet, I realized that my son was much like his father, a high-energy, sensitive, passionate, and prudent adult whom I loved deeply. I could see that my son, like his dad, possessed personality traits that are strengths when understood and well guided and as a result was spurred to find a better word to describe him and the other children like him I saw in my classes.
Spirited, - it feels good, sounds good, communicates the exciting potential of these children, and yet honestly addressed the challenges faced by their parents.
Spirited children arrive in this world genetically wired to be highly alert and intense. It is not your imagination that your child’s shrieks are more piercing or that you are working harder. Raising a spirited child does take more time, skill, and perseverance – and I would say, more knowledge – and yet almost no one talks about it. This is despite the fact that every year 20 to 25 percent of babies born are spirited.
It has been my life work and passion to support and help families of spirited children.
If you would like to talk with me, I offer private behavior and sleep consultations via phone and video conferencing. Together, during a one-hour conversation, followed with a written summary, we create a unique, supportive, practical, yet researched based plan for success that truly fits your child and family.
You can also follow my FACEBOOK page and my free weekly blog filled with tips on how to manage difficult situations and get the sleep you need and deserve. Perhaps most importantly you will discover you are NOT alone. Your actions do NOT make your child spirited and there truly are effective strategies that allow you to be a family where spirit thrives!
Welcome and thank you for joining us. Dr. Mary